Splendour in the Grass Launch Resale Facility For 2019

Missed out on tickets to Splendour in the Grass this year? Have no fear, Splendour resale facility is here!
Our resale facility gives Splendour in the Grass ticket holders a chance to resell their unwanted tickets, and for others the opportunity to purchase them at the regular ticket price plus fees. Sellers can place their 3 Day Event tickets, Single Day Event tickets or Camping tickets up for resale at any given time within the resale period, with tickets becoming available to the general public as they are sold back.
Using the Moshtix resale facility will also be the ONLY safe and secure way for ticket buyers to resell their tickets and the ONLY way to secure legitimate tickets. Splendour in the Grass organisers have stressed that tickets obtained through any other means, including online auction sites or by direct transfers will not be tolerated, with all festival and camping tickets being checked against your ID at the gate.
Our official resale facility is now open to sellers and will be available up until midnight Sunday 30 June 2019. Those wanting to score tickets to Splendour will be allowed to purchase tickets up until midnight AEST Sunday 30 June 2019 subject to availability.
For those looking to purchase a ticket within the resale period, we suggest you check out our buyers guide here to get the full low down on how it all works. If you're looking to sell your tickets, you can click Here to find out how!